Sagittarius Horoscope

Oct 9, 2024… Peace will likely be on the minds of Sagittarians today. Finding peace, keeping it, and allowing yourself to enjoy it guilt-free is easier said than done. With all the turmoil in the world and emotionally feeling the struggles of others, you may find yourself dwelling on things you can’t change. It’s not helping anyone for you to have a troubled and heavy heart. Take a deep breath and just let the peace find you right where you are. It’s not something you have to push for, just let it in and let it fill up to the brim.

Today’s Soul Advice: Kindness is a beautiful thing. Even when you’re having a bad day, you can still practice kindness toward others — you’ll likely help yourself feel better in the process. A simple smile or a small, kind gesture can make anyone’s day better (including yours!).